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It’s an accepted fact that women live longer than men, but statistics from the Office for National Statistics have uncovered that different jobs can also affect people’s life expectancy.

They compared data from the mid-80s to 2007-2011. As most of us know, life expectancy has increased and the most common age of death for a man now is 85.6, and for a woman, 88.3 – an increase of 8.2 years for men and 3.8 years for women.

In relation to both sexes; if you work in a higher managerial position or in a professional occupation, such as a doctor, lawyer or architect, those figures both increase by just over one year.  If on the other hand you work in what is classed as a routine occupation, such as a lorry driver, bar staff or labourer, then you can shave off just over a year.

If you were hoping to one day receive a telegram from the Queen (or perhaps the King by then) congratulating you on your 100th birthday, it’s the same story. More men and women from the professional category jobs are likely to make their centenary than from the routine occupation. Men are more than 3 times more likely, whereas for women it’s not such a pronounced difference.

Life expectancy across all the jobs has been increasing over the 30 years that were studied. This is obviously good news. However, the longer you live, the more risk you have of developing various illnesses. Nearly 60% of those aged 80 or over have a disability. The leading cause of disability, ahead of stroke, heart disease and some cancers, is dementia.

It’s not really realistic to think about changing your job to try to affect the statistics, but it is worth planning ahead.

Obviously, none of us can predict the future and although most lorry drivers will die age 84, there will be plenty who live on into their nineties, just as there will be doctors who die in their seventies. Regardless, everyone should have a valid, up-to-date Will in place – one which is reviewed from time to time to reflect changing circumstances.  Given that the chances are increasing of developing an illness which might affect mental capacity, everyone should also have Lasting Powers of Attorney set up too.

Heir Tight Wills helps clients put in place robust provisions and valid documents, to protect their loved ones and their assets both during their lifetime and after their death.  For a FREE Consultation to discuss writing or updating your Will & estate planning provisions, contact Rachael Rodgers on 0845 519 7585, or CONTACT US via email.


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If you’d like peace of mind that your affairs will be managed as you wish, protecting the future security of your loved ones and allowing your business legacy to continue, please contact me so we can find out more about your situation and schedule a free initial consultation.

Straightforward, expert advice on writing your Will

Will writing for personal assets: Why leave things to chance? Our free Personal Guide to Wills and Estate Planning will ensure your legacy is secure.

Ensure your business continues as you intended

Will writing for business owners: Download your free Business Owner’s Guide to Wills and Estate Planning and ensure everything you’ve worked so hard to build is secure.

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